"No time to work out? lose weight by walking to the office"

Webinar Replay

"Losing weight at the office,

without diet or sport ".

The A to Z strategy for overweight executives

  • Your excess weight gone
  • Your newfound energy
  • YOUR increased efficiency

What you will learn in this webinar

Why we gain weight despite ourselves

Science explains the reasons for being overweight and how to get around it, when you are a busy overweight executive.

Lose weight without thinking about it or spending time

Yes, you can live a healthy life, even with many constraints and a very busy schedule. Marc Thouvenin explains it to you.

What this will change in your business

Get rid of your excess weight, and you'll outperform. So will your company. And you'll certainly get those around you to do the same!

"I lost 14kg without dieting or working out!
And I never took them back."

Marc Thouvenin
founder of ActivUP

A spectacular and lasting transformation

Why we gain weight despite ourselves

Thanks to the Walking Desk, you can walk for several hours a day, without thinking about it. While you work. Slowly but surely.

Lose weight without thinking about it or spending time

12kg lost in 2 years, without dieting or sport. Then a constant decrease in weight for 4 years. Most of the weight was lost in only 2 years.

What this will change in your business

Without being overweight, feel slim, beautiful, and successful. Marc Thouvenin returned to climbing in 2018, photo above in 2019.

"We only have one life...
We shouldn't have to choose between our health and our business performance!"

More about Marc Thouvenin

Entrepreneur and slimming coach for active managers. As a former sedentary and overweight executive myself, I created the Slimming at the Office method, without dieting or sport. It allowed me to lose 14kg and I have kept a stable weight for 5 years (67-68kg for 1m80).

My solution has been presented 22 times on TV, including 2 live interviews. 3 research teams in France are using our products and have studied the benefits of walking in the office.
My life did, indeed, change in 2013 when I became a working walker.

Discover my complete strategy from A to Z in this Seminar.

Watch the webinar replay

This webinar is for you if you are an overweight, successful business executive who wants to lose weight without dieting or exercising while working.
In particular, you will learn:

  • Why we gain weight despite ourselves
  • How to lose weight without thinking about it
  • What this will change in your business